Tiny Toes & Primary Dance

Tiny Toes & Primary Dance

Our combo classes at the Tiny Toes (Ages 3-5) and Primary (Ages 5-6) levels offer young dancers the option to try both either jazz or ballet and tap.  These classes build dance fundamentals, coordination and creativity, while allowing dancers the chance to explore the rhythm and sound through tap.



Jazz is a dance technique that develops strength and flexibility. The class introduces the student to rock, ethnic and musical comedy form of movement as seen on the Broadway stage. Jazz emphasizes rhythm and isolation movements.



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Hip Hop

Hip Hop

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi suscipit sed justo eu tempus. Mauris scelerisque ligula odio, at fermentum ante varius non. Vivamus ac velit nec magna interdum pharetra at ac augue. Nulla quis lorem vitae elit rutrum volutpat nec elementum mi. Donec condimentum dignissim purus, vitae sollicitudin dolor ultricies ac. Fusce ullamcorper ipsum...



Classical ballet classes are offered to students six years of age and over. Through discipline and intensive training in the classroom they learn and perfect the technique which is so necessary not only in the development of the professional dance, but for the general physique and co-ordination of the human body.